good choice! certainly, film cant disappoint us can it?
well that depends on whether the makers have respect for the medium or not.
you do not simply cut a film at random, you do not let a monotonous slow voice so utterly not(!) juxtapose a endless soulcrushing zoom, you do not just play your film on a loop and give the viewer no hint as to how long or where in the film it is; if you respect the medium.
a film cant truly disappoint if it is interested in film.
#blessedmanifest #pretentiousfuxxingfuxk
a documentary really, this was my exam film from pre-school.
im happy about it, and it is the thing ive gotten most responses to, so much so that it was shown at høstutstillingen 2019 in oslo.
the problem is i really dont think i have made anything better since.
even after 4 years and finishing a bachelor. and that feels weird.
oh, well. someday hopefully.
if you only se one film of mine, make it this one.
also it is true that the film absolutely wouldnt have been possible without the hours and hours of talking and help i got from my dear friend daniel edenholm. its almost embarrasing, how much he gave me, without getting much back.
ouch. i need to do something super nice for him when he comes to oslo!
katharsis is a good number two of the films ive made.
it is wild and humorous, extremely personal and dark,
and at the same time super dumb and silly. i like it!
might add a bit of a trigger warning concerning
self harm and suicidal ideations
(only norwegian text and sound im afraid
but maybe not useless still?)
silence is also a dark one, with themes of depression and anxiety.
it is also less of a film, more of a text, and a bit of a gimmick.
still i like it and think it does what it tries to quite well.
i had completely forgot about this film until i went through my vimeo to put things up here, and i realize i havent considered it in the "canon" of mine.
it feels like it belongs thematically as well as formally, but i think i sort of erased it at the time because i never got quite to the place i wanted with it., recutting it several times, using much more time than i would most of the others, and still not feeling like i got it.
i include it now because its so long ago now i dont feel the same dissatisfaction, plus i think it is in many ways a nice film.
my dear friend daniel edenholm filmed and helped alot.
i consider det var en gang... somewhat of a gem in that it shows one of those weird and nice day we had in the collective. its nostalgic to think back on it and knowing it is so definitely over, a thing of the past.
the film in itself is a silly, short youtube-style documentary of a time me and my friends anders and daniel tried all possible ways to find a song i had heard at a bar the night before and couldnt get out of my head.
it is dear to my heart and i consider it art, so it gets to stay in here.
(also only in norwegian)
made in a day, through a improvised one-take rant, and paired with some early morning stills from years ago, this was a nice burst of creativity.
i wanted to say something about the kind of pressure the people around a person who struggles with mental illness can end up putting on them.
they can make things even harder, because you feel like a burden and that you drag all those who care for you down in the mud with you.
sometimes it can feel like the people around you become the sick, and that you have to be strong and reassure and care for them even in your toughest times.
does this make sense? do you recognize this feeling?
(the film is only in norwegian)
neonatur was made in collaboration with my dear friend eirik falckner.
we filmed for a day through rapid photography, and i later worked with layers and layers of filming off of the same clips, resulting in the film being more and more obstructed.
this is definitely one of the more form or technique based films of mine, and although i wouldnt have made it now it was a revelation to me then.
the first film i made really, and also more of a form exploration.
at the same time it feels to me quite cohesive and has a strong atmosphere.